Technical SEO

In the Technical SEO category, we cover topics like crawl directives, site speed, on-page optimization, structured data, and other technical factors that can improve your SEO. As we believe in a holistic approach to online marketing, we combine technical SEO and content SEO with user experience and usability to create awesome websites.

Beginners level

What's technical SEO? 8 technical aspects everyone should know »

Is technical SEO a mystery to you? Find out which elements you should focus on to optimize your website for both SEO and user experience.

Expert level

The ultimate guide to robots.txt »

The robots.txt file is a file you can use to tell search engines where they can and cannot go on your site. Learn how to use it to your advantage!

Must read articles about Technical SEO

Recent Technical SEO articles

What do you know about bot traffic? Do you know that it affects the environment too? Read on to learn why you should care about bot traffic!

The robots.txt file is a file you can use to tell search engines where they can and cannot go on your site. Learn how to use it to your advantage!

What is crawlability, and why is it important for SEO? And in what ways could you block Google from crawling (parts of your) site? Read on!

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